Sunday, June 17, 2007


Timur elég akaratos és időnként ha nem az történik amit ő akar, akkor tombol egyet. Ez előfordul pl. amikor az utcán sétálunk és ellenkező irányba akarunk menni. Ha arra megyünk amerre ő nem akar, akkor képes arra, hogy letérdel és a homlokát belevágja a járdába. Borzasztó!! Amikor először hallottam a Mátyás anyjától, hogy Mátyás ugyanezt csinálta gyerekkorában, meg voltam döbbenve. Nem mintha először nem döbbentem volna meg Timuron is, de aztán amikor sokadikra történik a dolog, valamelyest hozzászokik az ember. Akik először látják eléggé kiakadnak, dehát mit csináljunk, nem hétköznapi a gyerek... :-) Félre a tréfát, azért tényleg úgy érzem, ez elég drasztikus reakció és próbálom Timurral megbeszélni a dolgot. Nem akarom ráhagyni, mert ki tudja hová nőheti ki ez magát. Megakadályozni viszont elég nehéz, mert ez a fejbevágás pillanatok alatt történik. Terrible 2s! Dehát még nincs is 2 éves!

Timur has 11 teeth!

I probably did not look thoroughly last time. Timur has 2 extra teeth on top. What's interesting that these milk teeth do not grow in line. These latest ones are a bit towards the back. There are 4 at the front top and buttom and there is additional tooth after a 1 gap. This additional one tooth after the gap is still missing at the right buttom. We'll keep you updated. ;-)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

bad experience

Since at times it takes such a long time for Timur to fall asleep, especially when it's so light outside, we decided to take some measures and not stay with him until he fell asleep. He was breastfed and if he didn't fall asleep during breastfeeding, I said good night to him and left him on his own. He usually did not cry that much and fell asleep quickly. One day I heard him moving even after 10 minutes I left the room. I could not resist and went into the room to check what he was doing. Timur literally jumped on me and did not want to let me go. He was so happy with my presence. Of course, I stayed with him until he fell asleep. Today again, after 1 hour I had enough and wanted to leave. First he tried to keep me back by putting his head on me, or climbing on me, but I still tried to leave. He burst into such a painful cry that it nearly broke my heart. Imagine all those little babies, who cannot even do anything apart from crying to express their disappointment when they are left alone. I do not know whether this is a consequence of attachment parenting, or this is the same with each kid. Maybe, some of them just learn in time, that regardless what they do, their parents won't bother.

I think, a parent's heart is always a good compass. So, let's follow it.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Creche - Nursery - Bölcsi

Timur goes 2 days, Tuesday and Wednesday to the nursery. He likes it there quite a lot and he is liked a lot too. He is a lovely little boy everywhere. (I hope this is not just mother's pride.) Timur started going to the creche when he was 10 months old and he is still in the baby group. He is one of the oldest in the group by now. Timur usually plays with the other 2 boys of his age, Nout and Armin, or if they are not there, he "entertains" the babies, or he is playing with the the other kids outside, at the nursery's playground. Most of them are older and bigger than him. (When I come to pick him up, I sometimes stop and watch how he is getting along with the others.) The older girls like to baby him and act like an older sister to Timur. They bring him a tissue and clean his nose when necessary, or give him a big kiss on his cheek. He is already popular with girls, what will happen later? Well, by all means, he is a pretty face.Top row left: Kitty (the group leader), the other ladies do not work normally at Timur's group and so I do not even know their names. Rajaa and Nadia the two other ladies being around Timur at the creche were not present on this day. I don't know the name of all the babies, so I rather leave those. Bottom row: after Timur comes Armin and Nout. They are the steady playmates of Timur.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Dag Lieve Gert!

Christmas 2005 - visiting Maarten at Zon & Schild, Timur still as baby

...snif, snif...this is difficult to tell... Our favourite uncle died in March. I haven't got to the point to tell this earlier yet. Uncle Gert was a great man. He was our most friendly and funny family member. He had a great heart and he always had some nice words to everyone. He usually greated others with a smile and with such words: "Dag lieferd!" or "Dag, lieve schat! Je ziet er goed uit!" He was always welcome at our parties and he was always appreciated by our guests.
Gert among the boys - Mark, Vinnie, Brent

He left us so suddenly that we could not even say good bye to him. Gert was already in narcose when we were informed that he was in hospital. No one expected that he would not come out any more. He was only 64, though he had plenty of fun and adventure in his life. He was lonely in his old age and it woud have been difficult for him on the long run too, since he had not built up much pension. But these are only excuses to liberate the pain in my heart. Gert's life was sitting in a bar, smoking marihuana, drinking sherry or bier and having wonderful conversations. He was also a very creative guy and made lots of beautiful objects. His first job was being a cook on long distance cargo ships to Africa etc. He travelled a lot and had friends, lovers all over the place. His dog, Jary, accompanied him everywhere and the poor thing is on his own now. His master, who took such good care of him left. Suddenly and quietly. His departure is a great loss and we could have spent more time with him. But it's too late now. ...Dag, lieve Gert! ...snif, snif...have fun in heaven!

Gert never refused another drink - and sometimes the evening got too long

Meeting Zsanett and Lotte

Zsanett & Lotte

Since mama is a freelance translator, this also means that she meets her colleagues mostly online. This is how she met Zsanett, with whom she worked together couple of times before. Zsanett and I have known each other for ca. 2 years now and this was the first time we met. Zsanett is just as nice as in her emails and the little Lotte is just as sweet as on the pictures and videos. We met in Oosterpark and spent some time sitting in the grass with the little ones. Timur ran around a lot, I got nearly dizzy from following him with my eyes. We could also witness the well-trained little Lotte, who had no diaper on. She was offered the opportunity at certain times to pee and so she did. It was amazing to see how EC works. She is not even a year old yet! I really wanted to take a photo of Lotte and Timur, the two half-Hungarian and half-Dutch kids, but the battery of the camera was empty :-( , so I borrowed these pics from Zsanett's blog. See more of the Fjordontúli Napló:


More info on Elimination Communication:
This is worthwhile to try!

Timur 20 months old

Photo made by a professional photographer at the nursery

Timur has become 20 months old this week. He is developing well and in his own tempo. He has 9 teeth at the moment. The books say that kids usually have all their milk teeth (20) around 1,5 years (18 months). So, he is a bit behind on the teething project, but never mind. Ami késik nem múlik (all is not lost that is delayed). He just takes his time as he did from the beginning on. Slowly, but surely he is getting there. He is in good health. He hasn't been sick yet apart from his running nose, but that's part of it. There is no way to avoid that. Timur is drooling a lot too and we have to make sure to have either something in his neck or change his clothes regularly. How easy it will be in the summer!

Timur has quite sophisticated motor response and he has good control of his movements. He is very energetic and adventurous. He is brave and looks for challeges. He likes being outside and running around in the open air quite a lot. This is the first thing he asks for after his breakfast. Fortunately, we can now go to our little garden that we have just cleaned up. When we are inside, he likes to look at books and he talks a lot in the meantime, but we cannot understand much of it yet. It's getting faster with sign language though. He is very perceptive and learns very quickly any new signs. He likes chasing the cats too and he got some scraches from Max again. Hopefully, he learned a lesson. Bors is very tolerant and the poor thing lets Timur "torture" her. We often have to interfere when Bors is complaining. Timur also likes cooking when we are cooking. He gets a pan and a spoon, some raisins or something similar to chase in the pan. He is sometimes allowed to stir the food in the pan when mama is cooking.

Timur on 10 June - photo taken by Oma

Timur is not a big eater, but he likes certain things quite a lot, e.g.: shrimp (on its own or as a filling in dumplings) kibbeling (fried fish), peas, sweet potatoe, bread with tahini or jam, French fries, pancake and his all time favourite is cucumber. He's not that much into fruits now, but he likes to eat mango. He is drinking a lot too and he uses sign language when he wants some water. Drinking from a glass goes also very well.

He does not like wearing diaper that much and he is interested in alternative methods. We were lucky so far, while cleaning the alternative places, but hopefully one day it will end up where it is supposed to be. So, far he sat on his fancy toilet only with his clothes on. He finds it strange otherwise. This proces takes patience from mama and papa.

Mama cut Timur's hair 2 times so far. Timur was ok with it for the first time, but for the second time mama had to do some acrobatics. Well, the result was worth it.

Timur still sleeps with us. One of the new achievements is that he doesn't get milk at night any more. He gets breastfeeding when he falls asleep and when he wakes up in the morning. This is a great relief to mama. Timur still wakes up for a short time at night, cries a little and then he goes back to sleep again. Good night!