Thursday, October 29, 2009

Avontuurspeelplaats in Het Twiske

Tamar heeft ook van het zonnetje genoten

Woensdag gaat Timur niet naar school en mama heeft al lang met Martine, de moeder van Tamar afgesproken om op deze dag iets leuks samen te doen. Tot deze ochtend hadden we geen plannen. Het weer was zo schitterend mooi dat het best was om naar buiten te gaan en van het weer te genieten. Onze bestemming was Het Twiske dat net boven A'dam-Noord ligt. We hebben meteen naast de avontuurspeelplaats geparkeerd en we zijn naar het speelterrein gelopen. Er waren verschillende bruggen van touw over het water, kabelbaan, wat Timur onzettend leuk vindt, een labirinth van tunnels en natuurlijk ook schommel, glijbaan en allerlei dingen om erop te klimmen. We hebben lekker gespeeld in het zonnetje. Timur wilde niet naar huis, maar dat is een goed teken. We gaan volgende keer ook langs.

een van de touwbruggen over het water...
Tante Martine doet ook mee!

het is altijd leuk om in het lucht te vliegen...
Timur is dol op de kabelbaan

Tamar kijkt naar Timur op de kabelbaan;
nog een paar jaar en dan doet ze ook mee

klimmen, klimmen en nog meer klimmen...
Timur wordt er niet moe van

lekker aan het lunchen

Anya is nagyon szeret hintázni és mindenféle játékokat kipróbálni...
a gyerekkor néha nem ér véget

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A csirkés epizód...

Bevárásrlás közben ha Timur meglát egy egész csirkét gyakran megfogja és belehuppantja a kosaramba. Hiába próbálok más csirkeárut ajánlgatni neki, esetleg azt, ami éppen akciós (spórolós anyuka, ugyi), nem kell neki. Csak az egész csirkét akarja. Azért még mindig jobb, mintha "csipszet" (kíváncsi vagyok mikor veszik fel a magyar helyesírásba), csokoládét, vagy más nyalánkságot pakolna be.

Először idegenkedtem az egész csirkétől, hogy mit csináljak vele, hogyan készítsem el, de aztán rájöttem, hogy ez az egyik legegyszerűbb és legidőgazdaságosabb (szép szó!) étel. Eddig még akármit csináltam vele, sohasem rontottam el. A hús mindig szépen megsült és ropogós lett a bőre. Azt, hogy az ember belül mivel pakolja meg, az már csak a ráadás. Én többnyire almadarabokkal és egy fél citrommal meg persze zöldfűszerekkel, legfőképpen rozmaringgal szoktam megtömni. Néha még foghagymát is dugdosok a húsába és lelocsolom olivaolajjal, de lehet akár vajat is használni.

Egyszer kipróbáltam a sóágyon sütést is. Utána órákon keresztül csak ittam. A hús sok sót felvesz. Lehet, hogy én nem vagyok nagyon só-igényes, de nekem az bőven elég, ha a sütőbe rakás előtt egy kis sóval megszórom a tetetjét. A hasába nem is kell, főleg nem az alma meg a citrom mellé. Ha a receptek által írt sómennyiséget ráraktam volna, akkor azt hiszem elsóztam volna. Meg főleg a gyereknek sem kell nagyon sózni.

Szóval akárki olvassa ezt a blogot, az egyben sült csirkét mindenkinek tudom ajánlani, még az egészen kezdő háziasszonyoknak is, mert nem fognak kudarcot vallani vele. És nincs szebb, mint a szépen megsült, ropogós bőrű csirke. Már csak egy kis saláta kell mellé, vagy lehet esetleg a csirke mellett hajában sült krumplit is sütni hozzá. Elfoglalt háziasszonyoknak is nagyon kiváló, mert nem kell órákig a konyhában ácsorogni.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Timur received another cousin, called Anna

Timur has another cousin, a baby girl again, called Anna Borbála, who was born on 16 September. She is a cute little girl with lots of black hair and her blue eyes will hopefully stay blue, since that's the general colour in the family. Uncle Pisti is a happy father and he is still joyfully changing diapers and bathing, dressing the little Nana (her current nick name).

A boldog papa


Herfstvakantie - visit to Texel

On the train to Den Helder

We went to Texel at the beginning of this week. We were extremely lucky with the weather and had a great time. We also visited Ecomare the seal and bird asylum and looked at the seals, also the sick baby ones, and the orphans. Timur was impressed by what he saw.

Crusing on water, enjoying life. Some of them were quite old,
at least 34 years of age for a seal sounded quite something to me.

This one was a very young orphan found at the beginning of
September on the beach. She looked very sad indeed.

Just stiking his nose out to get some fresh air...what a life! :)

We spent time playing on the beach, building sand castles and playing football with whatever we could find to kick and run after. Timur found it quite joyful to lie down in the sand and roll around. He just couldn't get enough of that.

We also ate fish, biked around, looked at the horses and the sheep in the fields, etc. It was just great to be there and forget about all the other responsibilities for some days.

Once we were on the beach and I was busy with putting my camera into my bag when I turned around and saw Timur walking towards me with a dead seagull in his hand. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at that moment. It was so grotesque. He was so excited: "Look mama, what I found!" was shining in his beautiful blue eyes. Fortunately, the seagull's head was no longer visible and it didn't look that dramatic, but I was still a bit concerned about all the bacteria and the illness one could get from touching it. Although we laughed quite a lot about it in the evening when we recalled the events of the day before falling asleep. It is just so easy to have great time with Timur. He is just joy, joy, joy from top to toe. I'm a very happy mother to have such a beautiful and great child!

Timur is 4 years old and he is going to school

Yes, Timur turned 4 couple of weeks ago and he seems to be a happy little fellow, which makes me even more happy. Many, many thanks again to Mina and Vitor who helped mama managing 7 four-year-olds at the birthday party.

Mama nearly forgot to record the most important moments... :)

He has stopped going to the nursery on 15 October and on Monday, 26 October he will start school. This week he has holiday, i.e. "herfstvakantie".

I actually feel sorry that the nursery stopped since Timur had such a good time there. He was eating well, it was well-organised, he had his friends there and I knew that he was at a good place. I was relaxed. Besides the fact that it was close, so it didn't take much time to go and pick him up. All in all it was a joyful time for all of us, which ended now.

And when something ends, something new begins. Hopefully, another joyful period of time. From Monday on Timur is going to the Guus Kieft School in Amstelveen. I don't intend to write much about the school here, the website explains everything.

What I saw so far in the school I liked and I think it's a good environment for Timur to develop in. There is lots of freedom and he has to build structure for himself. The "begeleiders" are nice and friendly and it seems to be a place where you are allowed to express even your emotions. You can open your heart to your fellows and you can also express your disappointment. Both will be received and handled in the right way. The goal is though to have a relaxed and inspiring sphere where kids preserve and develop their curiousity for the world. I am very curious myself what kind of developments I'm going to see in Timur. What I am definitely sure about is that he will improve his social skills, most importantly he will learn to handle conflicts.

Time flies and spare time seems to be so scarce... a result this blog stagnates. There is so much happening in this life that there is hardly any time to stop and do other things besides the daily routine. If something extraordinary happens than the rest of the issues are put aside which I need to catch up with afterwards. If a day had 35 hours and I needed to sleep only 8, then I could still fill my time. I cannot even think of those women who washed clothes with their hands and baked bread themselves. Nowadays we have all kinds of machines to ease our lives and we seem to have even less time. Isn't this a contradiction? ... Well, life is more complicated than that. Now we have to make money to be able to buy houses and big cars. Oh, that's so important for many. I'm not even pursuing those goals, but still there are certain things in life that I have simply no time for... and this blog is one of them.